It has been an honor serving as County Commissioner with four different Commissioners to forward the work of the County. The main duties are to finalize policies, collaborate with county partners, support staff, approve land use decisions, and create an informed budget for county governance.
During my first term I've been proud to:
Thanks to Carole for many of the photos!

County is debt free as of 1/2023
Initiated dedicated reserves:
wildfire disaster funds $4M
county's first acquisition fund $2M
DOLA $927,678 reimbursement for Human Services building
Increased capital improvement funding since 2021
Capital Improvement 20 year plan
Allocate ARPA funds to hire back staff, support non-profits & fire mitigation with Timberline District
Lodging Tax approved by voters now funds County Fair, historic preservation, tourist information

Clinica Mountain Health Task Force led to opening new clinic
GROC Opioid Council
funding first Co-Responders program in Sheriff's Department
Jefferson Center Mental Health in jail, school, & at human services
TRIAD Bright Futures for pre-k
Deciding vote to keep Pool open
Addressing food insecurity
Public Health back to its own county department

Testify on legislation to increase gaming impact funds for our first responders
Actively speak up in Colorado Counties Inc (CCI) and Counties and Commissioners Together (CCAT) to
promote prioritized funding to small rural counties
oppose unfunded mandates
advocate for human services programs
scrutinize local taxation policies impacting counties -
increase funding for fire mitigation, law enforcement
support affordable housing initiatives
2024 Vice-Chair of CCI TRED: Tourism, Recreation and Economic Development committee
Represent Gilpin in 2022 on the statewide Roadmap to Recovery Regional Resiliency Initiative envisioning economic diversity, prioritizing broadband & defining workforce housing needs
County staff have since collaborated on an $8.7M regional broadband grant
NEW! Mountain Rail Coalition Representative for Gilpin!

NOCO Places Board managing regional impacts of recreation and conservation strategies
Watershed groups collaboration
Forest Service coordination
Wildfire mitigation funding
CSU Extension education
Colorado Natural Heritage biodiversity mapping project started in 2024
Recreational Sport Shooting Partnership